Advice how to handle German bureaucracy, Accounting assistance (to finally have an overview of the status quo of your financial activities.
- Continous accounting and booking of business transactions (with regard to the rules of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)
- Accounting of incoming and outgoing invoices (vouchers, bills and receipts)
- Maintenance of Cash Account Book / Cash log
- Preparation of monthly-, quarterly and annual accounts
- Advance turnover tax return
Note: all above mentioned services are conducted according to the German tax advisory law §6 No.3/4 StBerG.
- Translation Service (languages: English, Spanish, French à German)
- Office service (correspondence in English, Spanish and of course, German)
- Wage and salary administration
- Electronic payroll
- Pay account maintenance
- Record of statement of contribution paid (of social security)
- Report of wage-tax return
- Issue of job-centre (Agentur für Arbeit) certificates/statements
- Master data maintenance of pay accounts
- Staff recruitment aid
Note: all above mentioned services are conducted according to the German tax advisory law §6 No. 3/4 StBerG.
Translation service and Lectorate
English > German
Spanish > German
French > German
Officialese > proper German
Back-to-the-Roots-Marketing instead of costly and (unnecessary) advertisement activities.
“The less you advertise, the more you communicate”
Create your own business profile based on your core business.